Labor preparation
There are two ways to approach natural labor preparation with acupuncture. One approach is to start acupuncture once weekly from 37-40 weeks. These sessions help to gradually soften and ripen the cervix, as well as address stress, anxiety, and physical discomforts women typically have in the last month of pregnancy.
The second approach is to have acupuncture at or after your due date, at a frequency of one to three times per week.Both approaches are effective, and help facilitate a more efficient labor.
We see clients in our office in Los Altos, and we are available Monday through Saturday by appointment. You will rest with needles in for 20-30 minutes, and the sessions are very comforting and relaxing!
Kim Silsby and Loren Romley, California Licensed Acupuncturists and Herbalists.
Call us, we would love to talk with you. 650-948-9642
Online schedule