Acupuncture relieves shoulder pain, inflammation, and range of motion
impingement. Researchers from the Yuxi Hospital of TCM (Traditional
Chinese Medicine) investigated the efficacy of acupuncture for the
treatment of acute shoulder periarthritis. Commonly known as frozen
shoulder or adhesive capsulitis, this condition is an inflammatory
disorder of the rotator cuff and surrounding tissues that leads to pain
and immobility of the shoulder. The investigation reveals that
acupuncture has a total effective rate exceeding 90%.
One hundred shoulder periarthritis patients were randomly divided
into two equal acupuncture groups. One group received a style of
acupuncture known as the Hui approach. The second group received
conventional acupuncture treatments. The Hui acupuncture group had a 96%
total effective rate and the standard acupuncture group had a 94% total
effective rate. The scores indicate that acupuncture effectively
reduces shoulder pain and improves range of motion. Moreover, the Hui
acupuncture approach to care shortened the total treatment time needed
to resolve the condition over standard acupuncture therapy.
A key component of the Hui acupuncture style is the elicitation of
deqi at the acupuncture points. Traditional functions of this style
include relieving spasms, dredging the meridians, and expelling stasis.
The Hui acupuncture style for periarthritis involved the application of
GB34 (Yanglingquan, Yang Mound Spring) and Ashi acupoints. The treatment
protocol begins with the patient in a seated or supine position and
GB34 is needled with a rapid insertion technique on the affected side.
Perpendicular insertion with 0.3 x 40 mm acupuncture needles was
used. Rotating and pulling manual acupuncture techniques were applied.
During rotation of the needles, patients were advised to maximize
shoulder movements including stretching, raising of the arms, reaching
behind the back, and other movements on the affected side. Additional
movements of the needle in the range of fifteen to forty-five degrees in
all four directions to a depth up to one inch were made. The additional
procedure repeated the process of rotating and pulling the needle
during maximization of shoulder movements on the affected side.
The Ashi part of the Hui technique involved palpation to find
sensitive areas at the rotator cuff region. Needles were inserted into
the areas of sensitivity with a rapid technique using 0.3 x 40 mm
acupuncture needles at a perpendicular angle. Rotating and pulling were
applied during the initial insertion process. Next, the needles were
pulled to a level just below the surface of the skin and patients were
advised to slightly stretch the shoulder joint outwards, upwards,
posteriorly, and medially.
The needles were then inserted at an angle of fifteen to forty-five
degrees to a depth up to one inch in all four directions during pulling
and rotating manual techniques. The procedure was repeated in all four
directions. Total needle retention time was twenty minutes. Acupuncture
was conducted once per day for seven days.
The conventional acupuncture group received acupuncture needles at
the following acupoints on the affected side with mild reinforcing and
reducing techniques:
- Jianliao, SJ14 (Shoulder Crevice)
- Jianqian, MUE48 (Front of Shoulder)
- Naoyu, SI10 (Upper Arm Shu)
- Waiguan, SJ5 (Outer Pass)
- Hegu, LI4 (Joining Valley)
Total needle time was twenty minutes per acupuncture session. Acupuncture was applied once per day for seven days.
The total effective rate for both groups included everything from
significant relief of pain and improvement of rotator cuff movements to
complete resolution of the condition. The Hui group had greater positive
patient outcomes but the conventional acupuncture group demonstrated a
very high total effective rate. Coming in at 96% and 94% respectively,
the Hui acupuncture and conventional acupuncture groups demonstrated
significant total effective rates.
Wang XY, Zhang YM, Jia YT, Wang H, Yue Q, Wu JK
& Chen S. (2015). Treatment of 50 Patients with Acute Shoulder
Periarthritis by Hui Acupuncture. Journal of Clinical Acupuncture and
Moxibustion. 31(4).
Ma Y. (2009). Yun Ling Shu · Analysis of Guan Acupuncture and Zui
Technique. Journal of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese
Medicine. 33(5): 404-407.
Yeah that’s very true my friend that acupuncture relieves shoulder pain, inflammation, and range of motion impingement. It is very popular TCM technique and is highly effective. So I am thinking to get my shoulder pain treatment from a professional clinic of acupuncture in Mississauga.